So, I graduated and am officially don't highschool. It's still a weird feeling that I haven't gotten 100% used to yet. I still feel like I am going to walk the hallways of my former school next year, and everything will be like it has for the past four years. I will enter at the doors closest to the student parking lot. You have to yank on the doors really hard to get them open. I will balance my coffee ontop of my binder and hold the door open with my foot. Once I enter the flourescent hallway, I will see the janitor. I don't know his name, in my head I just call him New Wally, I think his name is Ernie or Erve. I enter and turn right and walk down the hallway that has the offices and Mr. Whyte's room... which is never open it's too early. I will continue down to my locker, open it (08-22-32). I set me coffee on the bench across from my locker and set my coat and other belongings inside. I grab my coffee and decide if I want to stand there and read and wait till more people arrive or if I'll go down at talk to Moeller. Usually, I just drink my coffee at my locker, I'm not very talkative in the mornings. The teachers and staff start arriving. First an aid worker, then the secretaries. I say hi to them all and get greeted with a good morning. Sometimes RD would show up early and we'd talk, sometimes she wouldn't. I'd spend each morning drinking my coffee, enjoying some silence before my day started.
Next September, it's all different. I don't have this same routine, I can't even picture what it's going to be like. To be honest, I'm terrified.... not knowing what to expect. I'm scared I'm going to do badly, or not be able to take this big of a step. It just feels like a lot happening, even though nothing in my day to day life is actually going on. I spend each day pretty alone.
I'm scared and I'm nervous. It's over shadowing my excitement.
Gonna make me cry.... 'm going to miss everything, the little details you accumulate over the years, and the people, You & R.D., Moeller, Whyte... George and the fact that he no longer scolded me about being in the hallways after the first year...
Also, note to myself: Pie Filling & True Blood
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