
Monday, July 5, 2010

Some Polonius-ish Advice

So, as a recent grad I feel the (nearly egotistical) need to send some Polonius like adivce to some recent seniors!

  This year is going to to  by so quickly!  I can't even express how fast it's going to go.  It feels like at one moment you are walking through the doors on your first day, then the next you're paying your grad fees.  Which you should do early, don't wait last minute to pay your grad fees.  This year coming up for you is going to be hectic at best.  Between actually school work and prom ect.  it gets to be a lot on your plate.  Don't stress too much about prom, and a prom date.  It will all work out.  Remember, your prom escort (escort sounds better than date) isn't going to be the man or woman you marry (or maybe you will?) it can be just a friend, or even someone's brother.  I went with just a friend, and it was perfectly fine.  It's maybe even a little better going with just a friend then you don't have all that weird couply pressure, yanno?  And plus, if you two break up your prom photos wont be you and your ex-girl/boyfriend.  The closer you get to being finished, the more friendly teachers get.  Everyone has that one teacher they got close with, that became almost like a mentor throughout school, saying goodbye to this teacher is sad, nearly more sad than saying goodbye to some of your friends.  Oh yes, when you're at prom and you're walking down redcarpet, it's going to be very overwhelming.  EVERYONE takes your picture, not just people you know... EVERYONE.  Remember, head high, one leg infront of the other, shoulders back, big smile.  Coffee is your friend, don't hate on coffee and don't hate on the people who make you your coffee.  These people are like little angels sent to you with cups full of love.  If you develop a minor caffeine addiction, don't fret... it will only prepare you for your next university year.  Remember all the little details of your life around you right now.  This is your last year and a student at SPSS and all the little things are going to matter when you're gone and want to keep memories.  Don't be one of those people who live their senior year through the lens of a camera.  I know those memories are important to document, but some of the best memories come at those times that are unplanned.  Be spontanious... so you're seitting in the middle of class and a freak rainstorm happens.  Grab the hall pass, find a friend and go out and dance in that rain.  This year, especially near grad, people you haven't talked to in the last five years will all of a sudden want to become your bestfriend.  Don't fight it, invite it.  Put past grudges and fights behind you and have fun.  This is your last year with all of these people, the least you can do is save the drama and let the past stay there.  Live in the moment.  Under your grad gown, wear something REALLY comfurtable.  And also, girls, don't bobbypin your cap on... you take it off and on so many times it doesn't really matter.  You move the tassel right to left.  When choosing a university, don't listen to what everyone is telling you, you SHOULD do, do you WANT to do, and what feels right for you.  I know it doesn't sound practical, but when thinking about money don't.  Your education is important enough to go in debt for.  Loan it, scholarship it, borrow it, I don't care, but this is your future.  If George busts you in the hallways, chat him up about Norman Rockwell or argue the differences of a comic and a graphic novel.  Enjoy every moment, every single moment.  All the laughs, all the tears all the drama.  Remember it all.  Enjoy it all.  And don't get caught up in it being your last year!
Peace, love and grad caps,

1 comment:

Ari said...

Read this already, didn't comment right away though... but now you're back! And look at you, putting everything in perspective :)